An original middle-grade novella with unusual richness and depth.

Trevor Roberts is a cub reporter in a small town in eastern England during the 1950s whose big break as a journalist comes when he interviews a World War I Navy veteran about his famous pet tortoise.

Foreman’s book is based on the true story of Henry Friston, who was shipped off to Gallipoli as a gunner on the battleship HMS Implacable. Henry’s detailed narrative, which unfolds over days of interviews, and pages from his diary recount desperate naval battles, the hazardous landing of Allied troops on the Turkish coast, and the close shave that brought young Henry his unusual pet, christened Ali Pasha, who saved his life and became his constant companion and troop mascot. The text deftly conveys both the thrills and horrors of war and touches on some important moral issues, particularly when Henry comes to understand during a truce that the enemy is no different from him and his British companions. Foreman is that rare artist who writes as well as he illustrates. His simple but engaging text is complemented by his charming, movement-filled watercolor vignettes and spreads, reproduced in black and white. The story teaches history with a light touch, and the focus on the emotional bond between the young soldier and his beloved tortoise will captivate even the most cynical heart.

An original middle-grade novella with unusual richness and depth. (author’s note) (Historical fiction. 8-12)

Pub Date: Nov. 10, 2015

ISBN: 978-1-62779-173-1

Page Count: 128

Publisher: Henry Holt

Review Posted Online: Aug. 25, 2015

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Sept. 15, 2015


From the Wild Robot series , Vol. 3

Hugely entertaining, timely, and triumphant.

Robot Roz undertakes an unusual ocean journey to save her adopted island home in this third series entry.

When a poison tide flowing across the ocean threatens their island, Roz works with the resident creatures to ensure that they will have clean water, but the destruction of vegetation and crowding of habitats jeopardize everyone’s survival. Brown’s tale of environmental depredation and turmoil is by turns poignant, graceful, endearing, and inspiring, with his (mostly) gentle robot protagonist at its heart. Though Roz is different from the creatures she lives with or encounters—including her son, Brightbill the goose, and his new mate, Glimmerwing—she makes connections through her versatile communication abilities and her desire to understand and help others. When Roz accidentally discovers that the replacement body given to her by Dr. Molovo is waterproof, she sets out to seek help and discovers the human-engineered source of the toxic tide. Brown’s rich descriptions of undersea landscapes, entertaining conversations between Roz and wild creatures, and concise yet powerful explanations of the effect of the poison tide on the ecology of the island are superb. Simple, spare illustrations offer just enough glimpses of Roz and her surroundings to spark the imagination. The climactic confrontation pits oceangoing mammals, seabirds, fish, and even zooplankton against hardware and technology in a nicely choreographed battle. But it is Roz’s heroism and peacemaking that save the day.

Hugely entertaining, timely, and triumphant. (author’s note) (Fiction. 8-12)

Pub Date: Sept. 26, 2023

ISBN: 9780316669412

Page Count: 288

Publisher: Little, Brown

Review Posted Online: Aug. 26, 2023

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Sept. 15, 2023


An emotional, much-needed historical graphic novel.

Sandy and his family, Japanese Canadians, experience hatred and incarceration during World War II.

Sandy Saito loves baseball, and the Vancouver Asahi ballplayers are his heroes. But when they lose in the 1941 semifinals, Sandy’s dad calls it a bad omen. Sure enough, in December 1941, Japan bombs Pearl Harbor in the U.S. The Canadian government begins to ban Japanese people from certain areas, moving them to “dormitories” and setting a curfew. Sandy wants to spend time with his father, but as a doctor, his dad is busy, often sneaking out past curfew to work. One night Papa is taken to “where he [is] needed most,” and the family is forced into an internment camp. Life at the camp isn’t easy, and even with some of the Asahi players playing ball there, it just isn’t the same. Trying to understand and find joy again, Sandy struggles with his new reality and relationship with his father. Based on the true experiences of Japanese Canadians and the Vancouver Asahi team, this graphic novel is a glimpse of how their lives were affected by WWII. The end is a bit abrupt, but it’s still an inspiring and sweet look at how baseball helped them through hardship. The illustrations are all in a sepia tone, giving it an antique look and conveying the emotions and struggles. None of the illustrations of their experiences are overly graphic, making it a good introduction to this upsetting topic for middle-grade readers.

An emotional, much-needed historical graphic novel. (afterword, further resources) (Graphic historical fiction. 9-12)

Pub Date: Oct. 5, 2021

ISBN: 978-1-5253-0334-0

Page Count: 112

Publisher: Kids Can

Review Posted Online: June 28, 2021

Kirkus Reviews Issue: July 15, 2021

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